

St Maarten Government News

I’m tired of people calling Theo Heyliger “Mr 10%”, when it’s been pretty much established, that Theo’s cut has to be way better than that.

At least 50% 🙂

Silvio Matser has always been a National Alliance supporter, so there were many people shocked that he would actually run as a candidate for Theo Heyliger’s UP (United People’s) Party. Some were even more shocked that Leader of the UPP, Theo Heyliger actually sent Silvio Matser to collect the bribe money for the 2014 elections.

Silvio made the wrong move, by accepting $20.000 cash (according to the briber, Francesco Corallo) and giving Theo Heyliger, not even ten percent. He gave Theo nothing, and instead spent the money to buy his own Parliamentarian seat.

Why would Silvio risk the wrath of his leader, Theo Heyliger?

Well, because Francesco Corallo told him to.

Theo Heyliger is no Claude Wathey. Theo is not known…

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